Friday, 10 October 2014

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

-Ida Scott Taylor

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Purnima or the Full moon day is considered auspicious in Hindu calendar. Since time immemorial, Hindus have believed that the fortnightly cycle of the moon exerts a great influence on the human anatomy just as it affects the water bodies on earth resulting in tides and ebbs. Devotees fast on this day to get their wishes fulfilled. 

Not only does it have a religious importance, but Purnima has a little more to do with the human fate. I read somewhere, a long time back, on the full moon day the gravitational force of moon towards the earth, is at its highest. Eventually your deeds and thoughts of this day are more likely to materialize and become true. Hence, on this day one must have only positive thoughts in mind and your thoughts shall become things! 

Happy Sharad Purnima. God Bless All.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

There are two things you should never think about - things that don't matter and people who think you don't matter.

Source- Internet

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Like an Unsent Letter

Like an unsent letter, 
Like a blur solitaire, 
Like a wet sweater, 
Like walls so greater, 
The yonder the fairer. 

Like an ungrown meadow, 
Like a stubborn shadow, 
Like an unshot arrow, 
Like a wailing widow, 
Thou shalt shun the stark morrow 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Turning your talent into profession can turn your signature into an autograph!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

प्रिय मच्छर

वो गुनगुनाना तुम्हारा, वो मीठी सी तान,
छु लेती थी मेरे कानों के तार सच मान,

आते थे तुम जब नजदीक,
मांगती थी मैँ नींद कि भीख,

सुनाते थे तुम नित नए गीत,
याद है तुम्हारा वो मधुर संगीत,

जगा देते थे गहरी नींद से मुझे,
तब ही आता था चैन तुझे |

अब क्यूँ समझ ना आती आहट तुम्हारे आने की,
सज़ा कैसे दूं तुम्हें चुपके से काट जाने की,

डंक मार कर चले जाते हो, मन में ही मुस्काते हो,
रंगे हाथों पकड़ु कैसे तुम तो उड़ जाते हो, 

हो गए अब तुम भी चतुर चालाक,
आ जाओ बस एक बार मेरे हाथ,

किया है मैंने तुम्हे रक्तदान,
उफ्फ... क्यूँ बन रहे तुम अनजान !

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Monday, 29 September 2014

They should tell you when you’re born: have a suitcase heart, be ready to travel.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

The fly cannot be driven away by getting angry at it.

Friday, 26 September 2014

चंचल मन

चंचल मन है नटखट ऐसा,

कभी भागता इक ओर, कभी दौड़ता उस छोर,

इसके खालीपन में गुंजित होती एक आस कहीं,

भर जाता उल्लास से अगले पल बस यूँ ही |

नाचता है मद भरे मोर सा कभी,

कराहता गम भरे अनाथ सा कभी,

कैसे जताये इस पर अपना अधिकार,

ये ना करता हमारी इच्छा अभिसार ||